About the Conference
The first PRESENT IGNITE Conference received spectacular reviews from attendees when the one-day conference concluded on May 15th, 2021. Over 95% of attendees called it a great experience and said that they’d like to attend another such event in the future. This state-of-the-art virtual conference focused on bringing new technology and treatment techniques into your podiatry practice to increase revenue and improve your practice’s reputation in your community. Focusing on Regenerative Medicine, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Endovascular Treatment of Venous Disease, and Fat Pad Restoration, there was something for everyone at the first PRESENT IGNITE Conference. Stay tuned for announcements regarding the date for the next PRESENT IGNITE Conference.
Conference Chairwoman

Jodi Schoenhaus Gold, DPM
"Thank you for attending this program."

Engagement Contest Winners
Christina Teimouri
Davinder Bhela
Hetal Naik
Jennifer So
Tyler Prager
Crystal Haskin
Lydia Regis
Paul Fawson
Steven Ginex
Stavros Alexopoulos
Ryan Bangart
Stephanie Kane
Donald Carlson
Hubert Lee
Craig Shapero
Robert McCabe
Jennifer Fox
Anshini Dalal
Claire Futenma
Melody Stouder
What Attendees are Saying
One of the best single days of education I have attended.
David Davidson, DPM
Buffalo, NY
I was impressed that for this conference, I received a little care package with some of the sponsors info and marketing material.
Nicole Rubackin-Hayward, DPM
Wayne, NJ
I had a great learning experience on this platform with great speakers.
Harold Jones, DPM
Cleveland, OH
Great to see new innovative practices in podiatry-paired with allopathic and osteopathic medicine
Oleh Lawrin, DPM
Warren, MI